Nama: ASEP GENANDJAR P (NPM: 11188203091)
Vendy Dwi P (NPM:11188203077)

Postal service has a long history. Carried massages fast runners for kings and rulers 5,000 years ago. In about 50 B.C. The Roman emperor Caesar Augustus created the first postal system. In about 1200,the chinese developed a postal messenger system using horses. The Aztec and Inca Indians had a rast messenger system of North and South America at about the same time as the chinese postal system. In 1400, the postal system was established in England. In 1863, the first city postal system was established in London. In 1775, Benjamin Franklin was placed in charge of the first U.S. Post Office Department. In 1860, the Pony Expresr was established to carry mail from Missouri to California. In 1864, the first railway postal system was started in the United States. In 1918, the first regular airmail service began between New York City and Washington, D.C.

B. The Olympic Games were first held in ancient Greece. In 776 B.C. The first Olympic Game was held a foot race. Leter, the ancient Greeks added jumping, discus throwing, and wrestling to the Olympic Game. In 394 A.D. The emperor Theodosius abolished the Olympic Games. The Olympic Games started again about 1.500 years later. In 1878, the first modern Olympic Games was held. In 1900, Women competed in modern Olympic Games for the first time. In 1924, the Winter Olympic Games began.

c. Many people produce your daily newspaper. A reporter gathers the facts of an event. The reporter writes the basic story. Another person may rewrite the story. An editor examines the story. The editor perhaps makes changes in the story. Another special writer writes headlines. Typesetters set the story in type. Printers put the story on printing machine. Then, they produce many copies of the newspaper. Distributors take the newspapers to the readers by truck,car,bicycle, or on foot.